Based on Claude’s idea of the Liber veritatis, the Catalogue is a written list of all the work Bill has produced over the years. As such, it is a definitive record. A W Morton originals are identified by a code, a one to four digit number on the back of the painting. This number has a corresponding entry in the Catalogue and thus the work’s provenance is recorded.
The Catalogue has been maintained from the early 1970s when I began painting. Work is catalogued on completion and before framing. Of note, framing is done, so far as is practical, using quality acid-free materials and museum-standard procedures in the construction of frames. In addition, each framed painting or drawing is accompanied by a set of notes attached at the back of the frame setting out simple, everyday procedures for the care and husbandry of pictures.
In case of accidental or chemical damage, I have also provided a list of framers whom I recommend because of their industry knowledge and standard adoption of museum-standard conservation framing practices.